Wie stellt man die Tragewirkung antistatischer Schuhe sicher?
2024-02-03 15:00
Antistatic shoes can guide static electricity from the human body to the ground, thereby eliminating static electricity from the human body. At the same time, they can effectively reduce dust generated by people walking in a clean room. Suitable for clean workshops, laboratories, etc. Pharmaceutical factories, food factories, electronics factories, antistatic shoes. The soles are made of PU or PVC material, antistatic and anti-slip material, which can not only absorb sweat and deodorize, but also achieve anti-slip and antistatic functions. They are integrated into the upper and then reinforced in the lines. It can effectively leak static electricity and form a complete antistatic system together with antistatic clothing.
As a professional antistatic shoe manufacturer, in order to ensure the wearing effect, we recommend that you pay attention to the following points when using antistatic shoes:
1. Antistatic shoes and conductive shoes should not be worn at the same time as insulating wool socks and insulating insoles. These insulating materials will prevent static electricity from being discharged through the soles, thereby reducing or weakening the effect of antistatic shoes.
In addition, the insulating material will form an insulating layer between the antistatic shoes and the ground, hindering the normal flow of static electricity. Even if you wear antistatic shoes, static electricity cannot reach the ground through the insulating material, thus losing the role of antistatic shoes, and may even cause static electricity to discharge between the body and sensitive equipment, causing damage or danger.
2. The place where antistatic shoes are used should be on an antistatic ground. This is a specially designed ground that can effectively eliminate static electricity and safely guide it underground. Such floors are usually made of materials with good electrical conductivity properties, such as special conductive floors or conductive carpets. By using antistatic grounds, you can ensure that static electricity generated during work can be discharged quickly and effectively, thereby reducing the potential harm of static electricity to equipment, products and workers. Therefore, in the work area where antistatic shoes are used, equipped with appropriate antistatic ground is an important step to ensure good static control effect.
3. When using antistatic shoes, it is also important to match them with antistatic clothing. Antistatic clothing is usually made of special conductive or antistatic materials, which can effectively prevent the generation and accumulation of static electricity and reduce the risk of electrostatic discharge. The purpose of this combination is to provide comprehensive electrostatic protection and ensure optimal static electricity control in the working environment.
4. When wearing antistatic shoes, the resistance is generally tested every 200 hours. If the resistance is not within the specified range, it cannot be used. The resistance of antistatic shoes should be between 100K and 1000M.
Generally speaking, those with a resistance greater than 1012 are insulating, and those with a resistance greater than 106 and less than 1012 are antistatic.